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A mostly Young Adult book review blog run by a mother and daughter team.

Wait for You (Wait for You, #1)

Wait for You  -  Jennifer L. Armentrout, J. Lynn Oh my god you guys. This book was everything I hoped it would be and more! It brought forth so many emotions that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had tears of happiness, tears of sorrow, I felt extreme happiness and undeniable sadness, I was giddy with first love giddiness, and distraught over losses…I was all over the place people! And I loved every single minute of it.I will lay this on the line right now, and proclaim to you all that Wait For You by J. Lynn (aka the amazing Jennifer L. Armentrout) has opened my eyes wide to the New Adult genre, and had me starting to crave it like chocolate. Don’t you love it when you find a book that does that to you?Avery Morgansten has gone off to college to a town far, far away from her home so that she can escape the dark secrets that have clouded her life for the duration of her teen years. A past that she wants to just forget ever happened, and will hopefully forget her. But starting over somewhere new, where you know no one is not one easy task. With all her personal demons she needs to overcome, Avery worries about anyone noticing her, when all she really wants is just to move on.That all changes for her on her very first day of classes when she literally runs into the hottest and most sought after guy on the campus. Enter the very sexy, hot, sweet, and the man who will haunt my dreams for who knows how long, Cam Hamilton. With his killer smirks, his undeniably piercing blue eyes, and a personality and demeanor that should be a guide for men everywhere, Avery finds herself under his spell. And try as she might to thwart off his charming advances of going on a date with him (which, for the record, I would have said hell to the yes), Cam is not one that scares off that easily. And so a new friendship is born.And with this new budding friendship, new feelings come to surface and something so beautiful and real begins to develop. Something that I seriously, could not tear my eyes away from. But with Avery’s past coming back to haunt her, and a dark secret that Cam has been harboring deep inside, will their new found trust in each other be enough to keep it all together? Or will the past come back and tear them apart from something that was so meant to be.What I loved so much about Wait For You by J. Lynn was … everything! The writing was done so beautifully. It was like I was allowed this rare glimpse into something so pure and beautiful. To be able to witness this story unfold, and go through the ups and downs of this relationship is something that I wouldn’t want to trade for anything. The characters created were ones that I instantly fell in love with, and ones that fueled my fury for that happened to Avery. And omg the sexy. There was much sexy in this book, and it’s not one of those quick few paragraphs kind of deals. This is one of those sweeps you off your feet into another reality type of sexy times.I dare you to not fall for Cam. Seriously! I dare you! I was already smitten 25% in, and by the end of the read, I could only think of him. And Avery? To understand what she has had to go through in high school…how her “friends” ended up treating her, and the dark cloud that followed her? And then to see how dark her darkest time was. It was truly heartbreaking. And then watch as she realizes what she’s doing wrong, and tries to right it? Oh my gosh…feelings!And don’t even get me started on Brit and Jacob. They were the exact type of friends that Avery needed to move on. Undying friendship and epically hilarious. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times this little trio had me cracking up. I loved how each character had their own personality, and were people that I seriously would love to have in my life.I really loved the interaction between Avery and Cam. The playfulness in the conversations, the ease in which they felt in each other’s company. There were many times where I was literally laughing out loud with the conversations. And the words that would come out of Cam’s mouth? Totally swoon worthy. Like, melty feelings all over the place. I was a smirking machine, I tell ya.So yes, I do give much love to Wait For You by J. Lynn. Mucho love. This book has officially moved up in my Top Fav’s list, and I will sing its praises to the moon! I recommend this book to fans of the New Adult genre, who want to witness a beautiful love story unfold, and who want a story that will imbed itself to your very soul. I adored the story of Avery and Cam, and am pretty confident that you will too.