If you’re looking for a book that has a little bit of everything in the supernatural world, then Initiation is the book for you. This book is jam packed with most of the supernatural beings we’ve come to grow and love in our novels…vampires, trolls, faeries, shapeshifters…you get the idea. What’s interesting is that ALL of these creatures are found under one roof, in a boarding school!Author, Imogen Rose, does a great job in creating this world where these creatures co-exist, but not all of them get along. That’s where the fun begins. The reader is pretty much treated to multiple stories found within one story. Trying to figure out who is trying to harm main character, Cordelia, trying to determine what kind of hybrid Faustine is, what the relationship of some characters are to each other…you get the idea. What would I consider my favorite part of this book is? One word…Jagger! *sigh* Imogen has created one sexy Faery.What I did have a little trouble with was the fact that both Cordelia and Jagger were cheating on their significant other, but it wasn’t so major that it took away from the story. It was more like a quiet nagging going on in the back of my head.The interactions the characters had with each other were really great to read, and I really enjoyed the way Imogen introduced the characters into the story. There was always something happening throughout the pages of the book. I didn’t really find any lull. There was pretty much some major incident happening most of the time. The descriptions provided by the author were done magnificently. I was able to picture what was happening in the book pretty vividly, especially with how the fights were described…and the carnage!Fans of anything supernatural will surely enjoy reading Initiation, and will be fully immersed into this wonderfully depicted supernatural world.