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Chapter by Chapter

A mostly Young Adult book review blog run by a mother and daughter team.

Of Poseidon

Of Poseidon - Anna Banks I’ve been meaning to read Of Poseidon after reading the description on the back of the novel, and while the description was brief and wasn’t enough to have me entirely hooked, I was still very interested. Especially since I only just finished reading Zoraida Cordova’s The Vicious Deep a few weeks ago and the world of mermaids is definitely something that, I find, is going to hit it big in YA this year. But despite all of that, I have got to say that after finishing up the first chapter of Of Poseidon I was hooked and wanted to learn more about main character’s Galen and Emma.Just in case you’re like me and were thinking “meh” to the description, I’ll just briefly (and spoiler freely) explain what the novel is about. Basically, it’s the story of Emma McIntosh who finds herself slamming into the chest of an insanely handsome mermaid prince (of course, she doesn’t know that he’s a mermaid prince). After their brief encounter, Emma is struck by a horrible tragedy and the insanely handsome mermaid prince named Galen becomes infatuated with her. As time comes to pass, the two characters are forced to grow closer together whether they like it or not.There you go. That’s what it’s about. It was amazing and funny and romantic and—and everything a YA novel should be. Especially the way that the novel started because it was just flipping hilarious. Not only do we get to see Emma get embarrassed by both slamming into Galen and from her best friend making fun of the situation, but we also get to see what Galen thinks of the encounter during a chapter in his point of view (since you know, the novel switches point of views between the characters). Though, the tragedy that takes place in the beginning of the novel was one that stirred up so many emotions in me because Emma loses a friend and I mean “loses” the way you would use it in this sentence: I lost my pet fish after feeding it too much and it went caboom.As the novel progressed, I found myself falling in love with Galen especially since author, Anna Banks, did a great job at showing that Galen really does care about Emma and that as time progresses she described the way the two characters begin to fall in love in a way that only happens in fairy tales. Every single detail about mermaids and Emma’s special Gift was breathtaking and the story itself blew me away. I don’t have any complaints, I think that Emma got over Chloe’s death faster than a best friend should have, but c’est la vie. Personally, I cannot wait until the next installment in the story considering that the story left me hanging on a crucial point in the story!I would recommend this to fans of romance, humor and stories that are dripping with mermaid lore. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and hold my breath at the bottom of the sea for a few minutes read a YA story. See ya!