Let me just say that The Marked gave me a lot more than I thought possible. When I finished up with The Candidates (review can be found HERE), I was thinking that it couldn’t get any better than that. Boy was I wrong! (I meant all of that in a good way). Not only did we get five times the romance but we also got five times the action and five times the mystery. For those of you who have read The Candidates, you know that the novel finished off on a note where Dancia knows about the Program and now knows that her abilities are in need of training so that she doesn’t accidentally kill anybody. Well, The Marked not only starts with Dancia being put into the Program, but the novel itself mainly focuses on Dancia and her training. Well… that and the romance between her and the very yummy Cam *smiles*.For most of the novel, I was pretty shocked at the fast pace that it kept up. Unlike The Candidates, which only had specific fast points, The Marked was constantly keeping me on my toes and guessing. Friendships and relationships were tested, abilities were used more frequently (yay) and we were introduced to a new villain. I know what you’re thinking: New villain? Don’t you mean Anna? No. No. I don’t mean Cam’s ex Anna who always comes off dead set on ruining Dancia. I’m talking about the group of “evil” Talents.Personally, since I am unsure of how to describe the group of evil Talents, I’ll just tell you how I felt when I read about them and when they faced off against the Program people. It’s like reading a novel about the X-men and depending on the type of person you are that might excite you (like me)!!! Not only do you get to see that the character talents come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but you get to see—well read about-- them in action.Author, Inara Scott, creates a whole new world where you continue to find yourself guessing about who is really the bad guy. Maybe the “evil” Talents aren’t all that bad, maybe it’s the Program and the Watchers who are the real monsters. Maybe, just maybe, somebody on the inside isn’t as dedicated as they appear to be. Let’s not forget that Jack also makes a return…*gasp*. With so many twists and unexpected scenes, I couldn’t put it down.