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Chapter by Chapter

A mostly Young Adult book review blog run by a mother and daughter team.

The Savage Blue by Zoraida Córdova

The Savage Blue - Zoraida Córdova

I adored The Vicious Deep by author Zoraida Cordova. It was such a fun read and at the time I had been reading a ton of mermaid-focused novels, out of them all The Vicious Deep was one of the most memorable. Mainly because the main character Tristan had been laugh out loud hilarious and the scene when he first discovers his merman tail has been stuck on my mind for quite some time (it’s one of my favorite comedic scenes ever guys). Getting to read The Savage Blue was awesome for so many reasons, I’ll just say that like the novel before it The Savage Blue ends on a cliff-hanger.

               The Savage Blue takes place right where The Vicious Deep ended. Main character Tristan Hart has just found out that he is a descendant of mermaid royalty and, thanks to his grandfather, is now part of a quest to become ruler of the sea and get the Sea Throne. Tristan and co. go on a journey to find the remaining pieces of the trident so that Tristan may become king. Tristan searches for the oracle that will have the next piece of the trident.

During all of this Tristan battles against monsters in the sea (like sea dragons and water demons). However when Tristan does find the oracle a secret is revealed and Tristan is betrayed by one of the people closest to him. Nieve is getting stronger and somebody in Tristan’s group of friends is working with her. In the end, Tristan is left with a choice between the Sea Throne and Layla who he has fallen madly in love with.

The first thing I noticed while reading The Savage Blue was that the novel throws you into a ton of action. That’s what got me hooked. Right from the opening scene where Tristan and Kurt are fighting each other to when Kurt and Tristan are going at it with a sea demon that should have the upper hand and be able to kill them both (it doesn’t). The Savage Blue had a lot more the amount of action that The Vicious Deep had which caused the storyline to become more addictive because, seriously, who wants to stop reading in the middle of an awesome fight scene?

The Savage Blue opens readers up to more of the supernatural beings that exist in the world that The Vicious Deep is set in. I found that in The Vicious Deep we only really got to look at mermaids/mermen and then either saw a few brief scenes with other supernatural creatures or saw mentions of those supernatural creatures in dialogue. The Savage Blue gives you nearly everything. Faeries, centaurs, demon-type-things, the whole she-bang. Definitely refreshing considering that I assumed the novel would only really have mermaids (and it made a pleasant surprise).

Tristan’s relationship with Layla does get a bit more serious and the romance left me wanting the two of them to end up together (and to kiss without getting interrupted). Personally, I thought that Tristan kissed or was almost-kissed by too many other girls that weren’t Layla and it made me question his feelings for her. Besides that, my only other issue with the novel would just be a bit of the pacing about half-way through the novel when things start to get pitchy. Other than that it was actually really fantastic.

The last hundred or so pages honestly left me with my jaw smacking the ground. There is a major plot twist and the ending seriously broke my heart. I don’t know what to assume will happen in the next novel, all I know is that I am very, very excited to find out what happens next to Tristan and his friends. Will he win the Sea Throne and defeat Nieve? I need to know!!!

I’d recommend The Vicious Deep novels to readers that are big fans of mythology, mermaid lore and readers that are looking for a novel with supernatural elements and a comedic main character.

Source: http://www.chapter-by-chapter.com/blog-tour-the-savage-blue-by-zoraida-cordova-review-interview-and-gveaway