Where in Juliet Immortal we see a story that unfolds told in Juliette’s voice, in Romeo Redeemed we watch this unforgettable tale unfold told in Romeo’s. Full of heart, emotion, and a never-ending action filled ride of true love and forgiveness.Romeo Redeemed picks up exactly where Juliet Immortal ends. Romeo is in his shell of a body rotting away with no hope of a life or redemption. That is, until Juliet’s own nurse shows up before Romeo and offers him a chance of a lifetime. A chance to live again…and become one of the Ambassadors, fighting for the light, rather than a life as a Mercenary, fighting for the dark.But there’s a catch…Romeo must make Ariel fall in love with him. The same Ariel that Juliet’s soul had entered and that Romeo shot dead, to save her. And the body he possesses is none other than Dylan, the very boy that cause Ariel so much heartache, causing her to grab the wheel and results in both of their deaths. But the reality in which this Ariel lives is not quite the same as the former reality. Some of the bits from the other reality have seeped its way into this one, and some pieces are missing…Pieces that are a part of literary history, as we know it.With a deadline of 3 days, will Romeo find the time to actually have Ariel love him with all her heart and soul, and will Romeo in turn, become a changed man from what he was before, and find a love that he thought, he would never find, or ever be allowed to have.Ok, first off….I freakin’ heart Romeo. In Romeo Redeemed, this sexy bad boy shows his romantic side, and we are treated to different scenes of dancing and romancing. Romeo Redeemed had me laughing and gasping and awwwwing all in one breath. I mean, the scene in which he is dancing in his underwear and smacking his butt while making “ughh” sounds cracked me up! I could picture the whole encounter and loved it!Where in Juliet Immortal we see this evil, heartless Romeo (until…you know…the end where I was awwwing all over the place), in this tale, this Romeo is the one that I used to daydream about when I read Romeo & Juliet. The romantic, the sweetness, and the love. OMG the love. I know in my heart, I wanted Romeo to find the love I felt he so deserved. I wanted him to find his peace and I wanted him to be able to be redeemed. But Romeo Redeemed had me on my toes.I was guessing what would happen and would pretty much be wrong. The many different plot twists and turns that author, Stacey Jay, weaves into this tale were perfect. They gave the exact amount of suspense and action with exactly the right amount of wooing and swooning. And don’t even get me started about the end. Trust me dear readers, this is one tale that you do not want to miss. It will forever change your thoughts on the Romeo & Juliet story that we all know and love.Although I loved everything about this book, and I really enjoyed the different interactions that the characters had with each other, the character of Ariel annoyed me a little bit. I mean, yes, I understand that Gemma is her best friend, and friends for life and all that jazz, but come on! With the way that Gemma treated Ariel in the past, how could she jump to conclusions so quickly about Romeo? And never mind that! What about taking the word of Gemma’s mother! I can’t really get into it too much without giving away anything of significant importance, but ughhh.But the true mark of an excellent author is when readers can become really emotionally involved with the characters in the story, right? And Stacy Jay is just that! An excellent author, whose story will be forever imbedded in my heart.I recommend this book to fans of Juliet Immortal and for anyone who wants to watch true love unfold before their very eyes.