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Chapter by Chapter

A mostly Young Adult book review blog run by a mother and daughter team.

Claire Daly: Reluctant Soul Saver by Michele Brouder

Claire Daly: Reluctant Soul Saver (Soul Saver, #1) - Michele Brouder

What would you do if the world as you knew it changed in the blink of an eye? If one day, you were a regular teen doing regular teen things, and then BAM, you find out that you have supernatural powers and that basically you are destined to help God in his crusade against evil?

Well, for Claire Daly, that. Just. Happened. One day, she’s helping her Gram with holy water by a well, and the next minute she’s got powerful white beams coming out of her hands. And that’s not even the half of it! It’s at this time when her Gram and her mom decide that the time has come to tell Claire what the what is all about.

Apparently, Claire is destined for greatness…way before she was born. She finds out that she has always been destined to become a part of the Illuminata, and save lost souls in the deeper circles of Hell. To fight alongside Michael, the Archangel. But Claire is just not quite ready to accept this fate.

But when a dark evil seems to be hunting her down, and hurting anyone who is close to her, Claire knows that she needs to learn how to harness this power she has been given. Enter Aunt Julia. A woman she thought long dead, but is actually one of the best people to teach her how to become what she was meant to be.

All the while, a mysterious stranger named Ari seems to have a destiny with Claire as well. A destiny that has transcended time. (Gosh, I loved Ari and Clair and am dying to know more about their story! I’m craving it!) He’s hot, he rides a motorcycle, and all it takes is a whisper of his name from Claire’s lips for him to come to her rescue. Ehrmagherd where can I get one!

With dealing with a new way of life to trying to figure out what her purpose is, Claire begins her journey and tests her faith (or lack thereof) in a game of life and death.

Claire Daly is a firecracker. I loved her character. She speaks her mind, is pretty funny, and is like a typical teenager. I can’t even begin to imagine how much the news of her new life path could affect her! One day she’s heartbroken over her lifetime crush, and the next she’s learning how to control powers that are pretty impossible to believe.

Her love for her little brother, Seth, is so endearing and had me loving her character all the more. And don’t get me started on Ari. In my mind, he was Greek Adonis who wants nothing more to ensure that Claire is completely safe, no matter the cost.

Author, Michele Brouder, does an excellent job grasping the reader’s attention, and maintaining it for the duration of the read. I flew through the pages, and was in need of more when the last page was turned. I especially want more of Claire and Ari. Give us more! Give us more!

Fans of reads involving good and evil will thoroughly enjoy Claire Daly: Reluctant Soul Saver by Michele Brouder. I cannot wait to dig in to the next installment of this series.

Source: http://www.chapter-by-chapter.com/blog-tour-claire-daly-reluctant-soul-saver-by-michele-brouder-review-interview-and-giveaway